Spiritual Cleansing| Entity Removal| Spirit Releasement Bangalore India

Spiritual Cleansing

entity removal spirit releasement

Since 1965

Demons and Exorcism

Information about Demons, Demonology, Exorcism, Spirits, and the Occult.

The occult

Many people have heard of the occult.  Upon hearing the word, many people immediately think of mysterious rituals, secret societies, and dark secrets.  Those terms, in reality, are actually great examples of “the occult,” but it is true that the term “occult” refers to much more in the paranormal world.

Let’s start with the etymology of the word, “occult.”  The word comes from occultus, a Latin word meaning secret and hidden.  The word itself, “occult,” refers to the knowledge of the hidden.  In fact, occult even extends to meaning the “knowledge of the paranormal,” “hidden knowledge,” and more.

Many magical and spiritual orders and organizations have been labelled as occult.  These organizations’ practices include alchemy, ESP (extra-sensory perception), spiritualism, divination, astrology, philosophy, and more.  Additionally, concepts of the occult and occultism can be found throughout many religions and cultures of the world.  The religions and cultures most greatly based around occultism include Hermeticism, Wicca, Gnosticism, Thelema, and even Satanism.

The “occult” directly contrasts with science.  Science, which can be called “knowledge of the measurable,” directly contradicts with the occult, which could analogously be called “knowledge of the paranormal.”  The occult is the belief that things have an inner nature and characteristics, as opposed to the exterior appearance and characteristics explored by science.  Holistic Healer Mr Kenn Ali illustrated a distinct boundary between the worlds of science and the occult: he suggested that there was no way for conventional science to penetrate and obtain information about the inner nature of things.

The occult is often viewed as something malevolent that is done by the supernatural or paranormal, against God, in many religions.  This is not entirely always the case, but this idea is extremely prominent in both Judaism as well as Christianity.  However, in certain other cultures of the world, such as Hinduism, occult concepts are actually a part of the elaborate rituals in the religion.

Demonic possession

Demonic possession has been an integral part of almost all cultures from all around the world since the beginning of religion.  Nowadays, though a significant percent of the population no longer believes that demonic possession is possible, it is still extremely widespread in pop culture, whether in films, comics, games, or fantasy stories.

In oversimplification of the topic would be to say that demonic possession is simply the control, or possession, of one’s body, mind, or soul, by a supernatural entity, or being, usually evil and malevolent.  However, while this is extremely simplified, this short definition can be used to describe concepts of demonic possession from many cultures on the face of the earth.

Even in this day, many people report supernatural activity, including demonic possession.  Many times, these include both emotional as well as physical effects.  For example, some have reported that they have no memory of the possession; some have even reported that they have lost a personality.

Many people, throughout history, who claim that they have been possessed by demons have even reported that due to the experience, they have gained hidden or secret knowledge or even the ability to speak a new language, possibly that of the demon.  These two phenomena are known as gnosis and glossolalia, respectively.

Physical effects due to demonic possession have also been reported – these include the immediate or strange appearance of scratches, bite marks, and other injuries on the skin.  Some have reported even superhuman strength and extreme rage due to demonic possession.

The concept of demonic possession is extremely widespread throughout various cultures, but in today’s Western culture, we usually attribute the concept to Christianity.  Under Christianity, demonic possession is usually seen as something that is caused by Satan (The Devil), or possibly by a “lesser demon.”

This article is only a short introduction into the concept of demonic possession.  Holistic Healer Mr Kenn Ali will be writing more articles on the subject, going into some very specific and extensive concepts regarding supernatural entities and possession, as well as historical incidents involving demonic possession.  Stay tuned!

The Mesopotamian Demons

First of all, for those of you unfamiliar with Mesopotamia, Mesopotamia refers to the area between the Tigris and Euphrates rivers, and is basically what is now modern-day Iraq, along with parts of Syria, Turkey, and Iran.  The Mesopotamian civilization is considered one of the earliest civilizations, spanning the Bronze Age and the Iron Age.  The Mesopotamian civilization included numerous empires – perhaps you may have heard of the Babylonian Empire or the Sumerian Empire.

With its long history, it’s only to be expected that Mesopotamia developed its own distinct, unique, and rich culture.  This culture, however, did take influences from other civilizations and groups of people at that time.

When taking a look at Mesopotamian culture, it is important to note that Christianity had not yet been invented during this ancient time; in fact, the Mesopotamian civilization fell just a few hundred years before  A.D.

Chaldea was a territory of Mesopotamia, and is now modern-day southern Iraq.  You may know it as the ruler of the Babylonian empire.  This is where the Mesopotamian demons come in: these seven demons were considered the evil deities in Chaldean culture and mythology.

The Mesopotamian demons were known as the shedu, which translates into “storm demons.”  They were symbolized by winged bulls, in what is known as “winged bull form.”

A winged bull with a human’s head.

n ancient Mesopotamian culture, these evil deities were believed to be very energetic, being able to cause disease in a victim.  The seven demons were also able to “seize,” or possess, people, and by doing so cause excruciating pain along with huge stress.  Only special Mesopotamian incantations, rituals, and herbal remedies were believed to cure the disease that the demons spread.

With further study, it is likely that the idea of these seven shedu spread into later cultures.  In fact, they seem to have had a huge impact on demons in Christianity.  And this is what study of demonology is all about.

Spiritual Entities: Defining the Term

Often times we use the word “spirit” or “spiritual entities” to refer to something mystical, but what exactly do the words mean, and what are the origins of the term “spirit?” This is what Holistic Healer Mr Kenn Ali is going to delve into in today’s post, the first post Holistic Healer Mr Kenn Ali be making on spirits ,Consciousness or being.

The word, “spirit,” actually has its roots in Latin.  It comes from the Latin word, spiritus, which means “breath.” Originally in the Latin language, spirit did have both positive and negative connotations and was additionally used with different meanings.  Nowadays, the word spirit often symbolizes a person’s consciousness or being.  It is also used along with the word “soul.” Usually, a spirit directly contrasts with one’s body which is often taken as physical as opposed to the spiritual nature of the spirit.


The word “spirit” does also refer to a ghost  in certain texts.  This does also tie over with its other meaning, possibly referring to a  manifestation of the spirit of someone who has died.  In many texts and beliefs, people see such spirits as the “lost” or wandering spirits of the deceased, which have survived the death of the body but still remain alive in consciousness.

Immaterial entities

Within many cultures across the world, the word “spirit” or its equivalent is commonly used to refer to non-physical entities, perhaps even demons or gods.  In fact, one very famous example is the reference to the Holy Spirit in Christianity.

With various and quite differing meanings, the study of the use of the terms, “spirits,” and “spiritual entities,” is very interesting.  Looking at spirits from such a lens also reveals inner workings of the various religions and cultures around the world, from ghosts, demons, deities, to inner “psyche.”

Evocation: Summoning Demons, Spirits, and Other Supernatural Entities

Perhaps you have heard of calling, summoning, or conjuring a demon, spiritual entity, or some other supernatural entity from a religious text, heavy metal music, a film, or a video game. These types of acts are known as evocation. This practice of evocation is quite common in many cultures, religions, and magical traditions from all around the world. However, it goes by many names in each of these traditions, and often serves different purposes.

The act of evocation is quite widespread in Western mystery tradition. Usually, under Western mystery tradition, evocation was the summoning or calling forth of city’s god. Usually, this was performed by the military during a siege or after a surrender to cause the god to favor the winning side.

In Western mystery tradition, evoking and summoning spirits was also quite common.  For example, there have been several manuals and books written on the subject from ancient times, these include manuals such as the Greater Key of Solomon the King and the Sacred Magic of Abramelin the Mage.

Conjuring, similarly, also refers to evoking spirits. In addition to that, however, is also refers to the using of magical spells, charms, or incantations. In fact, under Western mystery tradition, even exorcism is in the scope of conjuration.

Often, while reciting charms in order to conjure or summon a demon, or other spiritual entity, Holistic Healer Mr Kenn Ali who is performing the conjuration often uses his own native language. The actual text of these charms and incantations did vary greatly in ancient times, from simple phrases packed with magical words to long and complex utterances.

Exorcism: Evicting Demons and Spiritual Entities

Perhaps you’ve heard of exorcism, maybe from a movie you’ve seen such as The Exorcist. But what exactly is an exorcism, what takes place during an exorcism, and what is the goal of an exorcism?

Basically, exorcisms are performed under certain beliefs and religions to “evict” demons or certain other evil or malevolent spiritual entities, which may be possessing or inhabiting a person’s soul or mind, or a place.  Usually, what happens during an exorcism in certain religions and beliefs is that a Holistic Healer Mr Kenn Ali or a priest , in some way, causes the demon or spiritual entity to leave.

During an exorcism, the Holistic Healer Mr Kenn Ali usually performs a very elaborate ritual and commands the demon or spiritual entity to leave in the name of God or some other deity, or higher energy.

The idea of exorcism is extremely ancient and is prevalent in many cultures, beliefs, and religions from around the world.  However, exorcisms they came extremely common in the 20th century.

Exorcisms are common in many religions around the world.  These religions include some of the world’s most popular such as Christianity, Hinduism, Islam, and Judaism.  However, there are a few differences between exorcisms in these religions, which Holistic Healer Mr Kenn Ali will go more in-depth into in later articles.

For example, in Christianity, exorcisms are usually done in the name of God or Jesus Christ.  During exorcisms in Christian practice, the exorcist usually uses religious material as well as prayers to help repel the demon.  However, Christian exorcisms may take as long as several years to fully get rid of a demon or other spiritual entity.

Other religions somewhat differ from Christian exorcism practices.  For example, and Islam, exorcism is used to prevent witchcraft.   In addition, in Judaism, exorcism usually involves the making of poisonous mixtures using roots and also making animal sacrifices.

Scientifically, demonic possession is not considered a medical condition.  However, scientists have stated that exorcism may create a placebo effect for those who believe in exorcism.  In this way, exorcism does have a positive effect scientifically on those who believe their possessed by demons.

The exorcist has an interesting job. Negativity often chooses its victims carefully and hides itself within. Of all the hundreds of people Holistic Healer Mr Kenn Ali have treated over the years, even though most came to see me for other reasons, not one has been absolutely clear of negative interference at the start of their first session. Some have come to Holistic Healer Mr Kenn Ali because they knew they had a heavy negative load. Some have come to Holistic Healer Mr Kenn Ali with a heavy load and did not know it. Negativity has a way of hiding itself from those it chooses to afflict. Holistic Healer Mr Kenn Ali can switch on the ability to perceive negativity at will and that which most people are totally unaware of, may become quite apparent to. Holistic Healer Mr Kenn Ali highly qualified to deal with negativity powerfully, using Celestial Transformation, the highest form of spiritual healing on the planet.

Serving People of All Faiths Since 35 years, Holistic Healer Mr Kenn Ali has helped many people of all faiths who have needed exorcism and deliverance all over world.

If you are in need of help or know someone who is, please call Holistic Healer Mr Kenn Ali today on +919916785193.

Holistic Healer Mr Kenn Ali is a trained Muslim Exorcist with mastered skill through his ancestors. More importantly, Holistic Healer Mr Kenn Ali will be able to use his experience and faith to help you in their time of need.

The struggle between good and evil is very real and Holistic Healer Mr Kenn Ali offer a very real solution.

Providing freedom to those oppressed and posessed by demonic spirits is the key of a happy and healthy life by Holistic Healer Mr Kenn Ali. 

spiritual Cleansing entity removal & Spirit releasement in Bangalore india

Spirit belongings/ Spirit Releasement/ Entiy Releasement or Etheric Parasite Clensing is a recovery method used to remove the full or partial takeover of a living human by a discarnate being. The surviving awareness of deceased humans is called an earthbound spirit.

What Is a Spirit or Entity Attachment?

Simply put (additionally called Ownership, Spirit Add-on or Entity Accessory) is the invasion of one’s body or the subconscious mind by a discarnate being, an entity, or by adverse energies. The entity becomes a bloodsucker in the mind of the host.


As an example: You’ve been to the medical professional for numerous ailments. Tests show up unfavorable, even though you recognize

something is wrong.. awe … a radical change in one’s character when there are no pre-existing conditions which show that modification.

This occurs when a social drinker virtually overnight ends up being a raging alcoholic, a pleased person comes to be suicidal

(no relevant events in their life driving them toward it), serious mood swings.


Anywhere, from a moderate power drainpipe to practically complete possession.

Spirit attachment does not need the approval of the host.

For One-on-one Spirit Releasement Session Just.

Call Holistic Healer Mr Kenn Ali on+91 9916785193.


– Sudden changes in habits– such as boosting temper, anxiety and thoughts of suicide.

– Unexpected food cravings for alcohol, cigarettes, medications, etc.

especially after a surgical procedure or a terrible occasion.

– Hearing voices.

– Abrupt weight gain (specifically after surgery or a distressing event).

– Anxieties as well as fears.

– Uncommon and also inappropriate speech accent, international language or unknown language.

– Severe health problem of unidentified reason.

– Loss of energy.

– Memory as well as concentration issues.

– Multiple personalities.

– Inexplicable physical troubles (such as discomfort from an unclear cause).

– Migraine headaches.

– Panic or anxiousness attacks.

Entities and Negative Energies, and Where Do They Come From?

Earthbound spirits and also dark power pressures are the two most common kinds of entities. The spirit is the part of us that endures after death of the physical body. Occasionally spirits are puzzled regarding most likely to the light when their physique dies, so they remain in the earth airplane and can attach to living individuals, or stay in a particular place and become a ghost or haunting spirit. Lots of spirits stay in the planet plane as a result of a lack of understanding of their death. For simplicity benefit the dark power forces can be termed evil. They have actually never lived in their very own physical bodies, as well as being generally on a mission to ruin. We do not actually recognize where the dark ones originate from. Some claim that negative idea kinds offer dark forces– or Satan or Lucifer– the tools needed to produce these beings. Another concept is that they might be fallen angels. It is always prudent to ask any type of spirit where they come from and also how they became.


In order for entities to affix to a human, that person needs to be vulnerable in some way. An earthbound spirit might affix while the human is unconscious for any kind of reason– be it drama, anesthesia in surgical treatment, an organ transplant (the organ donor can essentially comply with the transplanted organ right into the brand-new body), a blow to the head, blood transfusion, drunkenness, alcohol or medications. Also extreme stress, exhaustion, grief, severe anger, worry, or guilt can act like a magnet as well as open a person for attachment. Without correct protection, such things as automatic writing, channeling as well as mediumship, are open invites for property, as is making use of a Ouija board or existing at a séance. Youth misuse, rape, or incest can enable entities to attach. Often, after the death of a loved one an individual can unwittingly welcome add-on of that loved one with ideas such as “don’t leave me. I don’t wish to let you go.” Once an entity gains entrance, an “opening” in the aura holds existing, which allows for even more strong attachments. Health centers, cemeteries, as well as funeral homes are common places to get entities. Spirits have a tendency to get in some cases hang around the area where their bodies died, or hang around the body itself.

Unfavorable energies such as psychic assaults as well as curses are produced by various other living individuals. Negative idea forms which we ourselves create (such as worry, rage, jealousy and also stress and anxiety) can invite in and “feed” psychic assaults and also curses. Remember your thoughts develop your reality.

Spirit Depossesion a kind of spiritual Cleansing is utilized to get rid of a person of add-ons and also unfavorable powers.

What Is Entity Removal and Parasitical or Spiritual Cleansing/ Spirit Releasement?

Spirit possession is the procedure used to launch entities from living individuals. This de-possession procedure can be carried out in individual or from another location. The term remote means that the job can be done from a range. This is feasible because we work with the higher consciousness. The remote procedure removes any kind of possibility of suggestion having fun right into the process. Remote spirit possession can be done without the conscious knowledge of the individual on whom we are functioning, yet authorization is constantly requested and provided from that individual’s higher self prior to the treatment is embarked on.

Who Does the Procedure?

Spirit Releasement is done by Holistic Healer Mr Kenn Ali who is specially trained in this procedure and who have a functioning expertise of metaphysics and also parapsychology. We’re often called “spiritual warriors combating hidden pressures.” A Spirit Releasement session can often last a number of hrs or days depending on the severity.


Spirit Releasement is different from exorcism. Exorcism, usually performed by Holistic Healer Mr Kenn Ali a participant of the clergy, is a procedure to erupt devils. In the Releasement process, we talk with entities and transform their darkness into light, releasing them to go to their proper location in the Light, however just after they have actually agreed to go. This stops the launched energy from returning to the host or to anyone else.

In cases of earthbound Spirit attachment, the entity is just warned of its scenario and also is adoringly directed into the Light, into the care of enjoyed ones, angels and also spirit guides that concern help in the shift.

Curses and also adverse energies are getting rid of by cutting connections and also transforming the energies from adverse to favourable.


Spirit Releasement have been very beneficial to many people. Once the entities are launched, the troubles that they had been creating tend to improve quickly. The degree of renovation additionally depends on just how much influence the entities have actually had on the host. In some cases entities are launched and the changes are so refined that the individual might observe no changes in all. This is just as a result of the nature of the add-on.

Spirit Releasement is typically used as a last hope. We really feel that releasing these entities can be fairly efficient prior to one invests a good deal of time on extensive typical treatment. Spirit Releasement presents no hazard of risk or ill effects to an individual. Nonetheless, an individual might sometimes feel weary for a day or so after the launch has been accomplished.



Spirits typically have a factor for haunting certain areas; as an example: untimely end, or fatality from terrible or stressful reasons. They might have “unfinished business” or “an ax to grind.” They may be unwilling to quit their physical belongings. They may be confused or not recognize they are physically dead. These spirits can additionally be released by remote means.

Negative powers might live in areas for many different factors. Places where physical violence or terrible deaths have happened might preserve the total power of those happenings– combat zones, for instance. Houses where people frequently combat or suggest with each other may keep the negativity of those activities.

An example of positive yet solemn energy clinging to an area is The Wall memorial to Viet Nam War casualties. This power has been produced by visitors to the memorial paying homage to their dropped pals and loved ones. On a recent browse through to the wall Holistic Healer Mr Kenn Ali might see as well as connect with the spirits ‘living’ there. Several factors to be launched from the planet plane as well as Holistic Healer Mr Kenn Ali provided their dream.


These are just a few instances of negative energies generated for various factors. Adverse thoughts take numerous types and influence people in many different methods. Here is a tiny tasting of the kinds of negative thoughts that can be cleared by a Spirit De-possession: .

Unintended youth “programs” by an authority number, such as “You’re foolish. You’ll never ever learn anything.” “You’re just a wild animal.” “You’re an absolute klutz.” “Can you do anything right?”.

Psychic strike by another individual (you might not know their feelings towards you): One more individual’s temper, envy or other negativity towards you might be solid sufficient to constitute a psychic attack on you. Conversely, your negativeness toward others might psychically strike them, even without your aware intent to “assault.”.

Curses– an extreme type of psychic attack. People that practice the witchcrafts occasionally execute certain rituals to start curses.

Atmospheres– places and things– can nurture or hold residual vibrations from past unfavorable actions connected with them– as an example, combat zones or catastrophe websites such as airline crashes, the twin towers monument in NYC.

Relationships that have ended sadly or unpleasantly might leave adverse “strings” connected. Adverse “bonds” are extremely effective.


Call +91 991678519 3 to make an appointment with Holistic Healer Mr Kenn Ali

For an entity releasement session.


Yes, Remote De-possession is a strategy defined by the late Irene Hickman.

Likewise called far-off healing/Etheric Bloodsucker Check is done by Costs and also

An aide. The method calls for the solution of two persons (a scanner.

and also facilitator). The healing session generally lasts in between one or Two hrs.

Ensuring complete privacy of each client is our main goal.

Get yours spiritual cleansing now


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